Springburn Test Area.
Springburn Driving Test Area.
View Springburn Test Area in a larger map
The address of the Driving Test Centre at Glasgow, Springburn Park, as pinpointed on the map above, is:
Glasgow (Springburn Park) Driving Test Centre Springburn Park 14A Balornock Road Glasgow G21 3UH.
Learner Coverage Area: Springburn.
At Antonine Driving School, we have selected Springburn Park Driving Test Centre as one of the three test centres that we operate out of, using local roads and driving routes of the surrounding area to teach our learners to drive.
Pupils who live within the shaded area above have the option of sitting their driving test at Springburn Park Driving Test Centre. If you select this centre for your driving test, then your lessons will take place within the locality of this test centre, and incorporate the roads used as test routes, once you are close to test standard.
Until then, you will drive on many of the roads within this whole shaded area when you take your driving lessons with Antonine Driving School.
We hope this page is useful. If you have any queries, or you are interested in booking driving lessons with us, your call will be welcome. So please do not hesitate to
contact us
Antonine Driving School
for a DSA Approved Driving Instructor.
Please click on the DSA logo below to see the DSA's advice on 'choosing a driving instructor'.

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